Product Details1

Play toys

owner: Strummer

Data via iPhone
Downloading the data
46 different effectors
Chameleon stomp that transforms into 46 different effectors
It was an interesting idea.
but it didn't sell well and the iPhone
lighting, but the connection cable was a Dock.
but the connection cable was a dock.
It was sold out in the end.

Posted on Apr 15, 2017
sound features

As an effector.
The quality there.
Originally, there was a fee for the effector.
The data of 46 kinds of effectors, which used to be paid for, are now free.
However, the sound is not very thin and noise is easy to come in.
It is hard to use for live performance because of the noise.
It might be hard for live performance.
For playing at home, you can try various effectors.
You can play with it at home because you can try various effectors.

purchase price

4,000 yen for a tataki sale.



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