I bought it from my friend's used music shop for 39,900 y...
My second guitar.
I bought it because I honestly thought...
This is a rarely seen guitar equipped with a Koehler.
At first, it's a flashy inlay.
The colors are beautiful ...
Randy V. of Randy Rhoads, as he is known
It's so major...
I owned a Telecas, and I cheated on the head logo. It's a...
2012.7 Postscript] Changed the rear pickup to SH-14.
Purchased at Hard Off for 30,000 yen last February.
As y...
I use a lot of tapping and legato, so I wear a hair elast...
The first guitar I ever bought.
I asked a friend of mine...
I bought it at auction as junk (it was claimed to have no...