Product Details1

Effects board completed 2016

owner: Miki

Finally finished the effects board. It's not a trendy setup, but it's a board that I enjoy playing.

Wah: RMC / RMC10

Pitch shifter: Electro-Harmonix / Pitch Fork
(Expression pedal : M-Audio / EX-P)

Vibe : Bearfoot / Mint Green Mini Vibe

FUZZ: Anasounds / Feed Me

Dist : Bearfoot FX Dyna Red Distortion

Dist : CrazyTubeCircuits / Black Magic Mk2

Booster : Eastern Music Device / Buffer Booster

Delay : WAY HUGE / Supa-Puss Analog Delay

Posted on Dec 3, 2016
sound features

As mentioned above, the board is not a trendy setting/sound, but it is a board that I enjoy.



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