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owner: Fritha

MERCURIUS (Mercury) is worshipped by Clean Booster.

By switching the input and output coupling capacitors, it is possible to select a boost for treble, midrange, or all registers, and to adjust gain on both input and output sides.

The sound of each string, both single notes and chords, are captured and amplified, and it works well with distortion systems, providing a well-balanced sound quality for both tube and solid amplifiers.

The secret of the excellent sound is the input/output capacitors.

Mallor capacitors are used in the treble register and Phiripps are used in the midrange.

This combination is quite exquisite and allows us to provide a high frequency range that is not thin and a mid-low frequency range that is not weak.

It is simple, but that is why we spent so much time on component selection and adjustment.

The mythical MERCURIUS, as a messenger of God, has the basic strength to convey the original sound.

The human MERCURIUS, as the ancestor of alchemy, keeps the sound pure.

The above ideas are the basis of our design.

Posted on Feb 12, 2013




sound features

Gain adjustment is possible for input and output individually, and coupling capacitors can be selected by switches for input and output individually, so booths specialized for highs, mids, lows, etc. are also possible. The system can also be used as a booth specializing in treble, midrange, bass, etc.

Clear treble boost and straightforward midrange boost can be selected, and the sound of each string is amplified without any deception.

Both chords and single notes are reproduced honestly, and the characteristics of the effectors connected before and after them come to life.

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