2023.3: I did maintenance on a guitar that had come down ...
2022.11: I bought a junk unit that had been replaced with...
2022.10: This is the second one of the exact same model, ...
2022.9: I happened to acquire this guitar through an acqu...
2022.6: I purchased this guitar from a music store mail o...
2022.3.1: When I received the guitar you produced for me,...
2021.12.21: The body was left over in the workshop and ma...
2021.12.14: I purchased this item after seeing it in pers...
2021.10.29: I have a natural color, but I bought it becau...
2021.10.13: I won a bid for a suspicious unit from a recy...
2021.9.22: The bridge studs are wood screw type, so it se...
2021.8.25: BOTTOM LINE guitar models are still popular an...