2022.8: I happened to be in the same area when I was on v...
Greco's original MR guitar.
I thought it was the origina...
2022.3.1: When I received the guitar you produced for me,...
2021.10.29: I have a natural color, but I bought it becau...
2021.10.13: I won a bid for a suspicious unit from a recy...
It was assembled from cheap junk parts obtained from Yaho...
2021.9.14: I bought this used one when I found a great de...
2021.7.17: I won this bid because I rarely see 7-string E...
2021.4.27: The neck is unusual in that the body is bird's...
2021.3.3: I bought this guitar to try my luck because I c...
2020.11.29: I was hoping to make a spec like this one soo...
2020.11.27: I was so impressed with the one that Mr. Shig...